Toru Fujimoto

Associate Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
Specializes in game learning theory


Associate Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo.
Specializes in game learning theory.
Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies. He has been an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo’s Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies since 2011, an assistant professor at the Center for Interdisciplinary Education and Research, and a specially appointed lecturer since 2019.

Major Publications:「シリアスゲーム」(東京電機大学出版局)、「ゲームと教育・学習」(共編著、ミネルヴァ書房)訳書に「テレビゲーム教育論」、「デジタルゲーム学習」(東京電機大学出版局)、 「幸せな未来は「ゲーム」が創る」(早川書房)etc