An IT “evangelist/evangelist” introduced in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. He is an evangelist who spreads the word about many products and services at Microsoft. He is also a lecturer and writer, and has given presentations not only at IT companies, but also at manufacturing companies, financial companies, government offices, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities. He has been teaching presentation classes at Komaba Junior and Senior High School attached to Tsukuba University for six years since 2014, and has been teaching presentation classes at Ritsumeikan Elementary School for five years since 2015, the content of which was published in the book “プレゼンドリル”. In 2017, one of his classes was featured in a TV symposium on NHK E-television entitled “In the Age of Artificial Intelligence, What Education is Necessary Now?” Since 2015, he has been a communication advisor to Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, Director of Kyoto University’s iPS Cell Research Institute.
Main Publications:「エバンジェリストの仕事術」、「プレゼンは “目線” で決まる」、「新エバンジェリスト養成講座」etc